Monday, May 18, 2009

Trying to kill my mom

So, my moms STUPID FUCKING doctor prescribed this to her. She was really feeling crappy for the week before/after mothers day and then noticed a commercial for it on tv that said the risks/who should not take.
Read the bold part.
Even better when my mom called her coordinator/nurse at Shands who monitors transplants and their medication interactions, levels of everything, etc., she didn't even know about it and said that she COULDN'T TELL THE DOCTORS because she WASN'T ALLOWED! It has to come down from like the FDA and trickle down to the doctors the nurse works with every day! It is political!!!! So doctors are prescribing this to their transplant patient not knowing, and this nurse can't tell anyone except her own patients. They can't tell my mom if the damage will be permanent or not. This is the latest in a string of medical nightmares...

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