Monday, July 6, 2009

Cost of Living

I don't know how much the cost of living actually goes up as we age as much as the comfort of living we will put up with.
Shoes: no longer willing to put up with uncomfortable shoes no matter how good they look
Food: no longer willing to eat Hamburger Helper, Ramen noodles, or Taco Bell all the time
Car: no longer willing to drive car without A/C or defrost, or that makes loud and embarrassing noises
Clothes: no longer willing to wear clothes too tight, too short, too long, without bras. Speaking of bras, require more support!
Home: no longer willing to live with roommates
Hobbies: more expensive than going to bar to shoot pool where dudes will buy you drinks, or nickel beer nights
Sunglasses: No longer able to just pick them up at Ross, need prescription ones!!

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